Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fee increase for campus-wide parking

USC Transportation Services emailed out notification June 20 of newly updated parking fees effective July 1, 2007. According to the email, the fees are used to fund parking activities including debt service for the new parking structures. The email also sites the growing demand for parking across campus.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

USC ITS relocation and server downtime

In a recent email to USC students, Information Technology Services (ITS) announced extended downtime for several services as they move equipment to a new facility. The expected downtime is from 6 p.m., June 22, to 6 a.m., June 23. According to the email, services available through will be unavailable. This includes:

- student home directories for all Solaris SCF accounts,
- student logins to user-lab Solaris systems,
- interactive logins to the student time-sharing hosts
- student websites

This move is part of an larger ITS consolidation of both equipment and personnel to their new facilities at 3434 S. Grand Ave., just east of the Harbor Freeway. For more information on the consolidation read the USC Public Relations' story.

Monday, June 18, 2007

New Cross Walk Signals Installed

Recent installation of cross walk signals at the corner of McClintock and Jefferson. The new cross walk buttons now have audio feedback so when pressed the units at all four corners of the intersection beep to acknowledge the presence of pedestrians waiting to cross.

The installation of these new units is undoubtedly due to the large number of students who cross the very busy Jefferson Blvd. During the regular school year DPS officers have been stationed at the intersection in an attempt to mitigate safety issues.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Another tree falls

Another tree fell down early Sunday morning. This time it was one along the University corridor that runs from USC to The Row on 28th.The tree fell across half of the walkway near the Hebrew Union College. Approaching the tree it was clear from the smell that a good portion of the trunk was rotted and was the obvious cause of the tree's fall.

Summer construction (part 1)

The summer is time for USC to work on building improvements. There are currently a number of ones going on around campus.

This one is remodeling of a large part of OHE's fourth floor. The remodeling includes removal of the flooring, ceiling fixtures, and possibly walls.

On June 4 part of OHE was closed for asbestos abatement.